ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16422 | Aquaculture - Joining forces: Study in Vietnam shows that shrimp farmers can protect themselves better if they work together | shrimp farmers; diseases; working together; information exchange; Mekong Delta; Vietnam | serials | agriculture magazine |
3213 | Aquaculture and fisheries for Vietnamese returnees | Aquaculture Fisheries Vietnam | serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
3704 | Aquaculture in Jamaica. | aquaculture tilapia culture animal diseases parasites predation economic aspects | Aiken, K.A.; Morris, D.; Hanley, F.C.; Manning, R. |
serials | naga, worldfish center quarterly |
3345 | Aquaculture in the mountains of the Northern Lao PDR and Northern Vietnam | Lao PDR Vietnam | Le Thanh Luu |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
3214 | Aquaculture of a high value freshwater fish in [Malaysia]: the marble or sand goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus, Bleeker) | aquaculture freshwater fish sand goby Oxyeleotris marmoratus Malaysia | Cheah, S.H.; Senoo, S.; Lam, S.Y.; Ang, K.J. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
3215 | Aquaculture potential of seahorses and pipefishes | Hippocampus genus Reproduction Animal breeding Fish culture Animal feeding | Prein, M. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
4284 | Aquaculture problems and their solutions (continued from last issue). | over-stocking fishes stocking density feeding survival rate fry fingerlings tilapia bangus | Arada, M.F. |
serials | agriculture |
3216 | Aquaculture technology transfer to smallholder farmers in Malawi, Southern Africa | Aquaculture Technology transfer | Noble, R.P.; Rashidi, B. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
5017 | Aquaculturists: Beware of hydrogen sulfide. | Hydrogen sulfide poisoning | Sison, Jaime A. |
serials | agriculture |
8449 | Aquaponics at home in the city. | aquaponics duckweeds rabbit | serials | agriculture magazine |