List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16003 Approaches to assessment of impacts and vulnerability to climate change and adaptation options adaptation measures; climate change; climate impact; soil erosion; vulnerability assessment; soil nutrient cycle

Sandoval, Roberto Pedro C. Jr.; Kanamaru, Hideki

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2014 5-2

4002 Approaches to dissemination of ACIAR 9414 phosphorus fertilization technology on acid uplands. upland soils phosphorus fertilizer techno demo plots Philippines

Duque, C.M. Sr.; Cagmat, R.B.; Mugot, I.O.

serials cmu journal of science

3212 Approaches to national fish breeding programs: Pointers from a tilapia pilot study animal breeding tilapia

Eknath, A.E.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

7881 Approaches to the problem on pesticide residues in corps and soil in Japan. pesticide residue pesticide exposure persistence on-site remediation risk assessment cost and benefit analysis

Yogo, Yasuhiro

serials fftc extension bulletin 591

8312 Appropriate fertilizer use and fertilization technology for sustainable crop production. efficiency of fertilizer use nitrogen response rice vegetables residual nutrient low-component fertilizer

Kubo, Kenlchi

serials fftc extension bulletin 635

7633 Appropriate postlarval age and stocking densities of Litopenaeus vannamei Boone for rearing in low salinity water. Litopenaeus vannamei low salinity water ion concentrations postlarvae

Kaewata Limhang; Niti Chuchird; Wara Taparhudee; Chalor Limsuwan

serials the kasetsart journal

7508 Appropriate technology of baby corn production for Tumbon Tunglooknok, Kamphaeng Saen District, Nakhon Pathom Province. I. variety and plant : Population baby corn appropriate technology variety plant population

Supot Faungfupong; Phadung Ochapong

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7491 Appropriate technology of baby corn production for Tumbon Tunglooknok, Kamphaengaen District, Nakhon Pathom Province. II. Rate of nitrogen application : and time of second application of nitrogen and time of second application of nitrogen baby corn appropriate technology nitrogen fertilizer

Supot Faungfupong; Phadung Ochapong

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6424 Appropriate temperature and time for an accelerated aging vigor test in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seed. sesamum indicum L. accelerated aging seed vigor aging temperatures aging periods

Khin Hnin Thantt; Juangjun Duangpatra; Jutamas Romkaew

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4090 AquaBac-WT: An innovative approach to the control of toxic pollutants in prawn ponds. water pollution prawn farming shrimp pond probiotics ammonia microorganisms feeds

Sison, J.A.

serials agriculture