List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8874 Growth and reproductive characteristics of the rougher scad Decapterus tabl in the East China Sea. carangidae, growth, maturation,

Seiji Ohshimo

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15007 Growth and reproductive status of the spotted scat Scatophagus argus in Mangrove Estuary in Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve; Malaysia daily age; gonad analysis; growth; mangrove estuary

Morioka, Shinsuke; Tanaka, Katsuhisa; Yurimoto, Tatsuya; Kassim, Faizul M.; Okamura, Kazumaro

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

3291 Growth and seasonal recruitment of octopus maya on Campeche Bank, Mexico

Sanchez, F.A.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

7603 Growth and starch content evaluation on newly released cassava cultivars, Rayong 9, Rayong 7 and Rayong 80 at different harvest times. cassava, growth, starch content, harvest time,

Siripatr Prammanee

serials the kasetsart journal

7610 Growth and survival of abalone, Haliotis asinina Linnaeus 1758, reared in suspended plastic cages. abalone, Haliotis asinina, growth, survival rate, plastic cages, seaweeds, stocking densities,

Nguyen Duc Minh

serials the kasetsart journal

15490 Growth and survival of black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) in bamboo and metal-framed pocket net baskets subjected to cleaning and without cleaning conditions grow-out culture; pearl oyster; simple cost analysis; Palawan

Cueba, Francis Rey A.; Diaz, Redentor D.; Villanueva, Elmer G.; Mecha, Niño Jess Mar F.; Anunciado, Sharon Rose P.; Dolorosa, Roger G.

serials the philippine journal of fisheries

3292 Growth and sustainability of aquaculture

Pullin, R.S.V.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

3929 Growth and yield performance of four coffee varieties in coconut-based cropping system in an inland-upland area of Davao, Philippines. Coconut, coffee varieties, yield, growth performance, beans, production economics,

Margate, R.Z.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

7647 Growth and yield responses in maize to split and delayed fertilizer applications on sandy soil under high rainfall regimes. maize, fertilizer application, growth, agronomic efficiency, sandy soil, basal fertilizer,

Suphasit Sitthaphanit

serials the kasetsart journal

3639 Growth diagnosis of rice plants by means of leaf color Oryza sativa, Leaves, Colour, Plant physiology - growth and development,

Furuya, S.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)