List of Serials : 8397

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7456 Grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus block&schneider) Rearing in Net Cages at Different Water Depth. epinephelus malabaricus, grouper, submerged net cage,

Puntip Wisespongpand

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8694 Grow bags for organic vegetables. organic vegetables, Costales Farm, lettuce,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

8479 Grow fruit trees in containers. makopa, orange, pummelo, guavas, berba, tamarind,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

4919 Grow grafted tomatoes under rainshelter for higher yield. Rainshelter : Agricultural structures, tomatoes, grafting, rootstock, scion, seedling establishment, transplanting, trellising, fertilization, pest management, cost and return analysis, serials agriculture

4661 Grow high value vegetables the organic way. vegetable growing, compost production, seedling preparation, bed preparation, planting, side dressing, pest control, mulching,

Atienza, C.S.

serials agriculture

5494 Grow hybrid rice for higher yield and income. hybrid rice, yield, varieties,

Matchoc-Asis, Olive Rose

serials agriculture magazine

8647 Grow something rare or unusual. sweet kamias,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

4388 Growing "sea grapes" in marine ponds. green seaweeds, Caulerpa, ponds, seaweed culture, harvesting, income,

Guerrero, R.D.

serials agriculture

4081 Growing annual flowering plants. annuals, growth retardants, seeds, soil mixture, plant production, fertilizer application,

Chin, V. Jr.

serials agriculture

5928 Growing Arabica coffee under pine trees. coffee Arabica coffee production Cordillera

Domoguen, Robert L.

serials agriculture magazine