ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9072 | Golden shower trees in bloom. | trees, Cassia fistula, golden shower tree, ornamental plant, | Papa, Anthony G. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
6513 | Gonadal development and sex inversion in saddleback anemonefish amphiprion polymnus linnaeus (1758). | gonadal development sex inversion saddleback anemonefish | Sukjai Rattanayuvakorn; Pisut Mungkornkarn; Amara Thongpan; Kannika Chatchavalvanich |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
5521 | Good Agricultural Practices (GAP): Making RP's fruits and vegetables at par with global standards. | fruits, vegetables, production, farm location, farm structure, farm environment, farm maintenance, farming practices, farm management, | Provido, Noel T. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8654 | Good food, great fun in Taiwan leisure farms. | food, leisure farms, herbs, extracts, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5855 | Good forage: key to successful goat raising. | goat raising legumes forage crops ipil-ipil Leucaena leucocephala Desmodium rensonii Indigofera anil Gliricidia sepium Arachis pintoi | Laquihon, Janoz Xn Yesu S.; Tacio, Henrylito D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5827 | Good leadership means better life for farmers. | leadership farmers | Bumanlag, Rowena G. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
6294 | Good reasons why you should plant pummelo. | pummelo shelf life gestation period production pruning harvesting | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7935 | Good, but not good enough? Research and development needs in organic farming. | organic farming, principles, | Rahmann, Gerold |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
16233 | Governance, institutional, and pro-poor analysis of cassava contract farming in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam | contract farming; impact; farmers; income; livelihood; case studies | Tuan, Nham Phong |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
4306 | Government hybrid rice point man shows harvest of 9.8 tons per hectare is possible. | hybrid rice, plant production, land preparation, seedbed, transplanting, fertilizer application, harvesting, income, | Aguiba, M.M. |
serials | agriculture |