List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4642 Genetically engineered crops have better nutrition and yields. genetic engineering, biotechnology, insect resistance, herbicidal tolerance, virus resistance, delayed fruit ripening, nutritional value, crops, serials agriculture

9307 Genetically engineered rice with high levels of iron and zinc developed. biofortification, micronutrient deficiency, HarvestPlus, transgenic techniques, polished rice grains, nicotianamine synthase, ferritin, Indica rice,

Ebro, Gladys

serials agriculture magazine

4203 Genetically engineered tomato grows in salty water. tomato, genetically modified microorganisms, transport protein, Arabidopsis, serials agriculture

8245 Genetically modified crops: Global and Indian perspective. India, global, agriculture, crops, biosafety,

Chatterjee, Amrita

serials asian biotechnology and development review

8034 Genetically modified food seeds: Health, socio-economic, environmental and religious aspects, an Israeli perspective. agriculture, judaism, maimonides, science and religion, spiritual,

Leavitt, Frank J.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

8356 Genetically modified PRSV-resistant papayas: A boon for the Philippine papaya industry?. papaya, papaya ringspot virus,

Manuel, Ruperto P.

serials agriculture magazine

7857 Genomic pig breeding for growth and meat quality. genetic marker, genomic resources, hog production, DNA test,

Wu, Ming C.

serials fftc technical bulletin 172

4237 Genomics: an essential tool for assisting in plant and animal selection. genome, genes, DNA, animal genomes, ruminants, pigs, lactation physiology, stress, serials agriculture

6689 Geographical diversity and its influence on rice yield. geographical variations, rice, tiller, yield,

Parimal Kanti Biswas

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6521 Geoinformatic public domain system model "SWAT" in Thailand. SWAT soil and water assessment tools geoinformatic system stream flow hydrograph separation and analysis program standard query langguage

Hansa Vathananukij

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science