List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3573 Alginate encapsulation technique and cryogenic procedures for long-term storage of the tropical forest tree Guazuma crinita Mart. in vitro culture biotechnology forestry forest products genetic resources artificial seed

Maruyama, E.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7830 Algorithms for calculating the indices determining the production efficiency of swine breeding herds : Pigs weaned per sow per year and litters per sow per year. Pigs weaned per sow per year and litters per sow per year. algorithm mated female inventory litters pigs weaned production efficiency

Saran Parisutthikul; Supat Faarungsang; Monchai Duangjinda; Amara Thongpan

serials the kasetsart journal

7617 Algorithms for calculating the indices determining the production efficiency of swine breeding herds : Pigs weaned per sow per year and litters per sow per year. algorithm mated female inventory litters pigs weaned production efficiency

Saran Parisutthikul; Supat Faarungsang; Monchai Duangjinda; Amara Thongpan

serials the kasetsart journal

4590 Alibangbang and bignai. Piliostigma malabaricum Antidesma bunius botanical description propagation distribution economic uses phenology seed technology nursery practices plantation establishment pests of plants plant diseases uses serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

5607 All about aflatoxin - The silent killer. aflatoxin mycotoxins fungi prevention carcinogen health hazards human corn

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture magazine

7239 All about strawberries: A closer look at Benguet's strawberry industry. strawberries fruits products Benguet State University PCARRD HARRDEC

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

9424 All-out veggie gardening in schools. vegetable gardening seedling serials agriculture magazine

8535 All-season strawberry withstands long haul. strawberry

Abello, Melpha

serials agriculture magazine

5847 All-season tomato is money-maker. tomatoes yield

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

5823 Alleviating hunger through backyard gardening. gardening

Dela Cruz, Rita T.

serials agriculture magazine