List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9063 An ethical foundation for careful animal husbandry. animal husbandry animal ethics reformational philosophy dooyeweerd animal welfare phronesis

Jochemsen, Henk

serials njas-wageningen journal of life and sciences

4567 An evaluation of the use of integrated spectral and textural features to identify agricultural land cover types in Pangalengan, West Java, Indonesia. information technology land cover classification image quantization IKONOS Indonesia

Ketut Wikantika; Satoshi Uchida; Yukijo Yamamoto

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

13420 An exciting "bee-sit" to a bee farm bee farm; species; Milea Bee Farm; farm tourism

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

13456 An executive's quality salted eggs salted eggs; price

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

8008 An exemplary view on the influence of genotype on feeding on growth performance, carcass quality, and meat quality in organic pig fattening. organic pig fattening duroc feeding growth performance carcass quality meat quality high external input system low external input system

WeiBmann, Friedrich

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

8054 An exploration of differences in mathematics achievement in Singapore and United States. mathematics Singapore United States

Ferrucci, Beverly J.; Kaur, Berinderjeet; Carter, Jack

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

15180 An exploratory study on the managerial competencies of first-line managers in a Philippine university managerial competencies; Great Eight competencies; academic administrators; typology administrators

Mojar, Alyssa Kaye S.; Depositario, Dinah Pura T.

serials journal of economics, management & agricultural development

3871 An exploratory study on the production of coconut sugar in Quezon province, Philippines (A research note). Coconut sap sugar products fermentation calcium

Ledesma, V.T.M.; Ferrer, M.L.M.; Carandang, E.V.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

16578 An impact-based flood forecasting system for citizen empowerment anticipatory actions; open data; disasters; flooding

Lagmay, Alfredo Mahar Francisco; Bagtasa, Gerry; Andal, Dinnah Feye; Andal, Fritz Dariel; Aldea, Janice; Bencito, Dianne Charmaine; Liporada, Kenneth; Delmendo, Patricia Anne

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

7961 An improved data base for the description of dairy cows in the German agricultural emission model GAS-EM. dairy cows model energy balance nitrogen feeding requirements feed composition emission factor emission inventory

Dammgen, Ulrich; et al

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research