List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9155 Analysis of meteorological measurements made over three rainy seasons and rainfall simulations in Sinazongwe district, Southern Province, Zambia. agrometeorology El Niño ENSO ITCZ La Niña rainfall

Hiromitsu Kanno; Takeshi Sakurai; Hitoshi Shinjo; Hidetoshi Miyazaki; Yudai Ishimoto; Tazu Saeki; Chieko Umetsu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

9119 Analysis of out-of-pocket expenditures in the Philippines. health care health expenditures health payments impoverishment

Ulep, Valerie Gilbert T.; Dela Cruz, Nina Ashley O.

serials philippine journal of development

9413 Analysis of physical activities and perceived state of physiological and psychological health of senior citizens in Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. health perception

Marilag, Virgilio B.

serials journal of human ecology

9035 Analysis of producers cooperatives and supply of organic rice in Taiwan. organic rice Taiwan agricultural research conventional rice cultivation

Wan-Jiun Chen

serials journal of rural development

4042 Analysis of quantitative trait loci for cold tolerance at the booting stage of rice. quantitative trait loci interval mapping graphical genotype cold tolerance rice

Saito, Koji; Miura, Kiyoyuki; Hayano-Saito, Yuriko; Kato, Akira

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7440 Analysis of rainy days in northeast Thailand. rain northeast Thailand

Patcharee Saenjan; Charat Monkolsawat

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15068 Analysis of salinity behavior in Hakata Bay after heavy rainfall using a three-dimensional σ-coordinate model coastal sea; freshwater discharge; hydrodynamic and salinity diffusion model; tank model; agricultural engineering

Fukuda, Akihiro; Tabata, Toshinori; Hiramatsu, Kazuaki; Harada, Masayoshi

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15944 Analysis of scent emission in cut flowers of Tulipa gesneriana L. ‘Niigata 13 go,’ known as Koshiharuka benzenoid; β-ocimene; phenylacetaldehyde; terpenoid; tulip

Kishimoto, Kyutaro; Watanabe, Yusuke

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

3974 Analysis of the attitude to farming of people using agricultural machinery. Dasein realization model attitude farm operations Thematic Apperception Test projective method

Tokuhiro Momonoki; Yutaka Sasaki; Hou-ou Ikeda; Yutaka Kanetani; Yasuhiro Sasaki

serials fftc technical bulletin 162

4814 Analysis of the composite polytene of chromosomes of Philippine oriental fruit flies, Bactrocera philippinensis (Drew and Hancock). salivary glands chromosomes fruit fly

Buenaobra-De La Cruz, M.L.H.; Medina, F.I.S.

serials araneta research journal