List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6122 An alternative method of raising chickens. chickens indigenous microorganisms probiotics herbs feeds antioxidants immune system

Locara, Lorenzo P.

serials agriculture magazine

8110 An analogical but rote solving of a graphing problem about osmosis. graphing problem osmosis

Zuckerman, June T.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

4817 An analysis of the management practices of selected lending investors in Caloocan City: Status, problems and opportunities. lending investors finance companies loans salary loan market vendor loan pawnshops real estate mortgage lending policies Philippines

Avila, A.A. Jr.; Pascual, L.P.

serials araneta research journal

3207 An analysis of the multigear, multispecies fishery in the Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria Kenya fisheries and aquaculture

Rabour, C.O.; Polovina, J.J.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

6408 An analysis of the phylogenetic relationship of Thai cervids inferred from nucleotide sequences of protein kinase C Iota (PRKCI) Intron. Thailand family Cervidae protein kinase C iota (PRKCI) intron phylogenetic tree taxonomy

Kanita Ouithavon; Naris Bhumpakphan; Jessada Denduangboripant; Boripat Siriaroonrat; Savitr Trakulnaleamsai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8182 An analysis of word problems in school mathematics texts: operation of addition and subtraction. addition subtraction

Singh, Parmjit

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

7865 An application of rural landscape information system for assessment of lien plant species in paddy landscape in Japan. alien plant species paddy fields Japan

Yamamoto, Shori; Kusumoto, Yoshinobu

serials fftc extension bulletin 614

4500 An approach to estimate the natural mortality rate in fish stocks. mortality rate fish stocks equation

Cubillos, L.A.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

5291 An approach to food security. food security food requirements role of rice household perspective Ginintuang Masaganang Ani food insecurity

Abrigo, G.N.A.

serials philrice technical bulletin

6718 An assessment of pasture infestation by parasites in horse farm. horse parasite pasture infestation

Teerasak Traimongkolkul; Somchai Sajapitak; Piyawan Suthanmapinanta; Nirachara Rochanapat; Churee Pankamnerd; Thratorn Jangploy

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science