ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
5040 | An overview of valuation techniques: Advantages and limitations. | biodiversity valuation techniques economic valuation travel cost method Contingent Valuation Method | Bann, Camille |
serials | asean biodiversity |
8898 | Ana Kalang Festival: Nagcarlan prime tourist attraction. | Nagcarlan festivals Aninag Arko-tekto Kalang kalang Paigkasan | Gesmundo, Imelda M. |
serials | the agritourist |
4591 | Anabiong and banaba. | Trema orientalis Lagerstroemia speciosa botanical description propagation distribution uses seed technology plantation establishment pests of plants plant diseases site requirements | serials | rise: research information series on ecosystems |
6810 | Anaerobic-light growth kinetics of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides S. | growth kinetics Shodopseudomonas sphaeroides photosynthetic bacteria | Sarote Sirisansaneeyakul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
4599 | Anahaw and limuran. | plant species Livistona rotundifolia Calamus ornatus botanical description distribution uses site requirements seed technology nursery practices plantation establishment plant diseases pests of plants | serials | rise: research information series on ecosystems |
6419 | Analysis of Aroma Compounds in Trapping Solvents of Smoke from Tian Op, a Traditional, Thai, Scented Candle. | Tian Op beeswax candle smoke aroma aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) | Wanwarang Watcharananun; Kittiphong Haungrak |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
3937 | Analysis of genetic diversity in coconut by RAPD. | Coconut biodiversity Random amplification of polymorphic DNA | Rodriguez, M.J.B.; Estioko, L.P.; Namia, M.T.I.; Soniega, J.A. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
6482 | Analysis of intersectional hybrids of dendrobium by RAPD technique. | Dendrobium interspecific hybridization RAPD technique | Sirilak Inthawong; Weenun Bundithya; Nuttha Kuanprasert; Pimchai Apavatjrut |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
4136 | Analysis of main causes of animal infections "import" into developing countries. | international trade developing countries animal disease animal infections risk assessment health veterinary services | Kouba, V. |
serials | agricultura tropica et subtropica |
4980 | Analysis of metals in the wastewater of Crystal Sugar Company, Inc., North Poblacion, Maramag, Bukidnon. | Wastewater cadmium chromium copper lead | Abotal, Romelisa D. |
serials | cmu journal of science |