List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4554 Perspectives on hormonal manipulation of shrimp reproduction [Review]. aquaculture, androgenic gland, Crustacea, ecdysteroid, vitellogenesis, shrimp, endocrinology,

Takuji Okumura

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

13959 Pest and disease busters from the wild pest; disease; indigenous plants; botanical pesticides; plant pesticides; crops

Alberto, Ronaldo T.

serials agriculture magazine

3832 Pest management in coconut-based farming systems : I. Evaluation of rat problems in intercropped coconut and their control. I. Evaluation of rat problems in intercropped coconut and their control. Coconut, rat infestation, Rattus rattus mindanensis, rat control, bait, coumatetralyl, nut fall,

Gallego, V.C.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

3588 Pest management systems for eggplant arthropods: a plan to control pest resurgence resulting from the destruction of natural enemies Pests, Eggplant, Arthropods, Natural enemies,

Hisashi Nemoto

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

8243 Pesticides applications in Bt cotton farms: Issues relating to environment and non-tariff barriers. Bt cotton, pesticide, environment, non-tariff barriers, gujarat, India,

Lalitha, N.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

8993 Pet foods: Not all brands follow meat regulations. pets, pet food, dog, goose,

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

4236 Petal power: New gene yields unique blossoms. flowers, Ultrapetala, petals, thale cress, genes, meristematic cells, genetic improvement,

Wood, M.

serials agriculture

3730 Petra Martinez: lady behind a successful co-op in Cagayan. cooperatives,

Aldaba, Arnold O.

serials agriculture

9235 PH experience in biotech corn: A model for ASEAN members. Bacillus thuringensis, food security, biotechnology, Bt corn, genetically modified organisms, GM adoption,

Usman, Edd K.

serials agriculture magazine

14815 Ph-dependent liquefaction of Thai fermented rice noodles (khanom jeen) associated with bacterial amylolytic enzymes fermented rice noodles; pH adjustment; starch

Marui, Junichiro; Shompoosang, Sirinan; Panthavee, Wanchai

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)