ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
4151 | Physiological changes associated with induced moisture stress tolerance through drought induction response (DIR) technique in maize (Zea mays L.) | maize, drought tolerance, proline, nitrate reductase, drought induction response, | Subramanian, A. |
serials | agricultura tropica et subtropica |
4065 | Physiological functionality of purple-fleshed sweet potatoes containing anthocyanins and their utilization in foods. | food, antioxidant, hypertension, blood glucose level, hepatic function, anthocyanins, | Suda, Ikuo |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
14487 | Physiological responses to low temperature conditioning and chitosan coating of red-fleshed dragon fruit [Hylocereus polyrhizus (Weber) Britton and Rose] | antioxidant activity; chitosan coating; Hylocereus polyrhizus; low temperature conditioning | Castro, Angelo C.; Esguerra, Elda B.; Agravante, Josephine U.; Fernando, Lilia M. |
serials | the philippine agricultural scientist |
9152 | Physiological roles of rutin in the buckwheat plant. | plant protection, rutinosidase, buckwheat, | Tatsuro Suzuki |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
6505 | Physiological study and alcohol oxidase gene(s) of thermotolerant methylotrophic yeasts isolated in Thailand. | methylotrophic yeasts alcohol oxidase gene thermotolerant physiological study | Nantana Srisuk; Savitree Limtong; Hiroya yurimoto; Yasuyoshi Sakai; Nobuo Kato |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
3500 | Physiologically active peptide motif in protein: Peptide inhibitors of ACE from the hydrolysates of antarctic krill muscle protein | Foods, Peptides, | Yukio Kawamura |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
5783 | Phytase: A vital factor to reduce phosphorus excretion in poultry production. | phytase enzyme poultry | Sison, Jaime Abella |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8041 | Phytochemical study of jatropha curcas cell culture. | jatropha curcas, stigmasterol, fucosterol, sitosterol, phorbol ester, fatty acid, | Elfahmi |
serials | biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology |
4152 | Phytochemicals and pulp from vegetable crop wastes. | phytochemicals, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, pulp, ampalaya, eggplant, garlic, tomato, bataw, | serials | agriculture |
7848 | Phytoextraction and management options to reduce cadmium and arsenic in food crops. | arsenic, cadmium, rice, wheat, soil contamination, phytoextraction, | Zhao, Fang J. |
serials | fftc technical bulletin 181 |