ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6245 | PhilRice scientist discovers trigonelline from rice seeds. | Trigonelline rice nitrogen fixing bacteria attractants | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4356 | PhilRice sets guide in growing hybrid rice. | rice, hybrid rice, plant production, seeds, seedbed preparation, transplanting, irrigation, fertilizer application, harvesting, | Zagado, R.G. |
serials | agriculture |
4460 | PhilRice, IRRI develop guide on fertilizer use for better results. | fertilizer application, nitrogen fertilizer, Minus-one Element Technique, soil nutrients, leaf color chart, | Zagado, R.G. |
serials | agriculture |
5881 | PhilSCAT hybrids give hope to a Butuan farmer. | farmer rice yield | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5463 | PHILSURIN designs fertilizer software. | computer program, software, fertilizer application, soil, sugarcane, | serials | the philippine agriculture magazine |
4718 | PHILSURIN develops sugarcane biofertilizer. | sugarcane, nitrogen-fixing microorganisms, biofertilizer, | serials | agriculture |
7212 | Philsurin releases three new sugarcane varieties. | sugarcane varieties | serials | agriculture magazine |
5761 | PHILSURIN's war against sugarcane diseases and pests. | sugarcane plant diseases pests of plants leaf scald yellow leaf syndrome mosaic ratoon stunting disease Pokkah boeng disease | serials | agriculture magazine |
7986 | Phosphorus and trace metal distribution under confined cattle feeding operations in Southern Alberta. | phosphorus fractionation, phosphorus, metal accumulation, | Godlinski, Frauke |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
9049 | Photoperiod sensitivity of local millet and sorghum varieties in West Africa. | Pennisetum glaucum, Sorghum bicolor, daylength, planting date, Burkina faso, | Sanon, M. |
serials | njas-waginingen journal of life and sciences |