List of Serials : 8421

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5720 Rice ecofarming: Blending the old and the new. ecofarming rice seedbed preparation seedling establishment land preparation nutrient management pest management serials agriculture magazine

6239 Rice experts say RP can be rice self-sufficient by 2010. rice import self-sufficiency

Domoguen, Robert L.

serials agriculture magazine

7294 Rice farmers culture fish in reservoirs. reservoirs fish culture tilapia carp small water impoundment projects fish production harvest

Prudencio, Max

serials agriculture magazine

16545 Rice farmers watch out for wet season diseases rice diseases; brown spot; deadheart; leaf blast; sheat blight; whitehead serials agriculture magazine

8533 Rice gene boosts phosphorus uptake. rice gene, phosphorus, serials agriculture magazine

7264 Rice hull furnace with automatic fuel feed system tested. rice hull furnace dryer

Bautista, Gene C.

serials agriculture magazine

7291 Rice hull-fed furnace reduces cost of drying palay. furnace rice hull palay

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

5715 Rice husk furnace for recirculating-type palay dryer. dryer rice husk furnace

Belonio, Alexis T.

serials agriculture magazine

5570 Rice husk gas burner for bakery oven. rice husk gas burner bakery ovens costs

Belonio, Alexis

serials agriculture magazine

5647 Rice husk quasi gasifier stove with side-in steam injector for household use developed. cooking device stove steam rice husk

Belonio, Alexis T.

serials agriculture magazine