List of Serials : 8421

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7298 Rodents: The dangerous, neglected problem in livestock farming. rats mice rodents livestock farm diseases rodent control brodifacoum monitoring

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

8238 Role of critical infrastructure and incentives in the commercialization of biotechnology in India. biotechnology, developing country, India, commercialization, incentives, infrastructure,

Visalakshi, S.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

14490 Role of different nutrient elements and AgNPs for in vitro shoot proliferation of GF-677 rootstock silver nanoparticles; bacterial contamination; rootstock; woody plant medium; shoot proliferation

Javed, Hajra; Mumtaz, Saima; Ahmad, Touqeer; Bashir, Muhammad Ajmal; Hafiz, lshfaq Ahmad; Razzaq, Abdul

serials the philippine agricultural scientist

5364 Role of electronic media in sustainable development of the seas of East Asia - Visualizing the goals. media, sensitizing, television, electronic media, e-network, information dissemination,

Dinh Thi Thu Hong

serials tropical coasts

15363 Role of mycorrhiza helper bacteria on mycorrhizal colonization and nematode Pratylenchus coffeae infection Glomnus spp.; infection degree; nematode population; root colonization; seedling growth

Reginawanti Hindersah; Elena F. L. Lilipaly; Imam Mudakir; Iis Nur Asyiah; Rita Harni

serials biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology

16217 Role of participatory development communication in natural resource management: A case in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand community-based natural resources management; participatory development communication

Kheerajit, Cherdpong; Flor, Alexander G.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

15274 Role of SEAMEO RECSAM in Inclusive and STEM education development STEM education; inclusive education; RECSAM

Khor Sim Suan

serials journal of southeast asian education

4540 Role of sugars in senescence and biosynthesis of ethylene in cut flowers. postharvest technology, vase life, ethylene, respiration, water balance, sugar, cut flowers, mannitol, Delphinium,

Pun, Umed Kumar

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15152 Role of women in developing climate-smart seed systems in the Philippines women; seed system; climate change; value chain; gender-sensitive approach; policy serials policy brief

3423 Role of women in small-scale aquaculture development in Southeastern Cambodia women, aquaculture, Cambodia,

Nandeesha, M.C.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly