ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16307 | Rural credit markets in Myanmar: A study of formal and non-formal lenders | rural credit markets; credit demand; credit rationing; Myanmar | Kaino, Tomoko |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
5947 | Rural doc makes good with ulang. | giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii culture probiotic products | Guerrero III, Rafael D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5302 | Rural hydrology: An alternative approach to rural infrastructure build-up in Bangladesh rural development [Review]. | hydrology, flood, agricultural engineering, | Haruo Uchida |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
16333 | Rural institutions, agricultural development, and pro-poor economic growth | credit; marketing; lending institutions; policy failures | Roumasset, James |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
16194 | Rural labor outmigration and gender dimension in an assessment of farm technical efficiency: A case study in selected rice villages in the Philippines | male and female migrants; rice farming; rice farming households; rice productivity; rural labor outmigration; technical efficiency | Luis, Joyce S.; Paris, Thelma R.; Rola-Rubzen, Maria Fay; Pede, Valerien O. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
16317 | Rural poverty in Southeast Asia: Issues, policies, and challenges | poverty; MDG; environmental degradation; Southeast Asia | Balisacan, Arsenio M.; Edillon, Rosemarie G.; Piza, Sharon Faye |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
8006 | Rural tourism as a chance? Opportunities and limitations for the promotion of rural tourism using the example of a pilot project. | tourism, regional development, rural, funding sheme, pilot project, | Neumeier, Stefan |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
3424 | Rural women in aquaculture: Bangladesh | women, Bangladesh, | Gupta, M.V. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
5522 | Rx: Fruits and vegetables. | garlic, green onion, ginger, malunggay, tomato, ampalaya, kangkong, sweet potato, banaba, duhat, caimito, mango, tsisirika, guava, banana, grapes, medicinal plants, | Tacio, Henrylito D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8596 | S.C. allows biotechnology group to intervene in BT eggplant case; ban threatens other food security crops. | eggplant, crops, food security, biotechnology, | serials | agriculture magazine |