List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3726 Rice intensification technique requires less inputs. farming technique, water usage, seeding rate, weeding,

Laguna, Reah Joyce P.

serials agriculture

7240 Rice is a carrier of mother's love. rice milk supplement congee mother child

Layaoen, Myriam Garcia

serials agriculture magazine

6261 Rice is much more than a source of energy. rice nutrients carbohydrates vitamins flavoproteins micronutrients

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

13942 Rice market: Patterns of Thailand and Vietnam exports rice; market; export; tariff; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam

Dy, Rolando

serials agriculture magazine

16256 Rice price crisis: causes, impacts, and solutions rice; price increase; yield growth rate; poverty; demand and supply; price projection

Pandey, Sushil; Sulser, Timothy; Rosegrant, Mark W.; Bhandari, Humnath

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

5468 Rice products keep this lady moving. rice coffee, rice, products, serials the philippine agriculture magazine

8207 Rice research in India and the Asian perspective. rice demand, impact on production, emerging concerns,

Saxena, R. C.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

7045 Rice science in the digital age. books Google Book Search digitalization publication IRRI

Hamilton, Henry Sackville

serials agriculture magazine

6112 Rice seed production is a profitable agribusiness. rice agribusiness seed production

Samonte, Pete

serials agriculture magazine

7060 Rice stemborer: The enemy from within. insect pests rice stemborer life cycle symptoms damages pest management cultural practices chemical control harvesting irrigation

Nas, Mark

serials agriculture magazine