List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5936 Satisfying your corn's thirst. corn water management yield

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

7805 Save Ilocandia's vanishing indigenous food plants. indigenous food plants, plant genetic resources, MMSU, SEARCA,

Fernandez, Rudy A.

serials agriculture magazine

6341 Save Ludong, the most delicious and expensive fish in RP. fish Cestraeus plicatilis Ludong freshwater mullet projects

Dela cruz, Rita T.

serials agriculture magazine

7085 Save much on seeding with the improved drum seeder. drum seeder farm machinery

Layaoen, Myriam G.

serials agriculture magazine

7219 Save on fertilization cost of veggies with biofertilizer. biofertilizer vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza VAM root inoculant

Biag, Hanah M.

serials agriculture magazine

8513 Save on fuel costs with rice hull-powered machines in the dry season. fuel, rice hull, gasifier,

Biag, HHM. M.

serials agriculture magazine

7307 Save on input costs with biofungicide. biofungicide Trichoderma sp. beneficial fungus

Biag, Hazel Hanah Mavi M.

serials agriculture magazine

5441 Saved by a Bulgarian Murrah buffalo. dairy buffalo, milk, income,

Pablico, S.M.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

3939 Saving a river : Why do local governments matter?. Why do local governments matter?. River management, market-based instruments, contingent valuation, local government, legislation,

Rola, Agnes C.

serials journal of environmental science and management

4712 Saving bees: Fungus found to attack Varroa mites. parasites, Varroa mites, honey bees, metarhizium, fluvalinate, serials agriculture