List of Serials : 8421

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6629 Screening of tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill.) varieties for resistance to branched broomrape (orobanche ramosa L.). branched broomrape tomato varieties resistance tolerance parasitic weeds

Etagegnehu G. Mariam; Rungsit Suwanketnikom

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5338 Screening of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) in the Balbao Rioja and Charcas provinces of Department Potosi in Bolivia. screening, yacon, Smallanthus sonchifolius, growth, morphotypes, Bolivia,

Fernandez, C.E.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica

8839 Screening research methods for a-glucosidase inhibitors and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in fermented soybean products and fermented milk products a-glucosidase, angiotensin, enzymes, soybean, milk, diabetes, hypertension,

Kohji Yamaki

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7421 Screening with Nuclear and Other Techniques for Yield and N2 Fixation in Mungbean. bradyrhizobium spp, mungbean, nitrogen fixation,

Nantakorn Boonkerd

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15270 SDG 4.7: Fostering global citizenship global citizenship; sustainable development; education

Yoko Mochizuki

serials journal of southeast asian education

8525 Sea cucumber powder, anyone?. sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra,

Guerrero, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

16387 Sea grapes: a nutritious seaweed sea grapes; lato; health benefits; nutritional content; harvesting

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

8980 Sea water increases peanut yield. sea water, peanut, seaweed corn, corn hybridizer, corn surplus,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

7124 Seabass is a highly prized fish. seabass fishes Lates calcarifer fish culture

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

5844 SEAFDEC tests its feed formulations for marine fishes. feed formulations nutrients Grouper Snapper Rabbitfish Seabass milkfish feed substitutes serials agriculture magazine