List of Serials : 8421

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13385 Seed to cup r and d warms up lukewarm coffee industry seed; coffee

Icamina, Paul M.

serials agriculture magazine

6590 Seed transmission and epidemics of colletotrichum lindemuthianum in the major common bean growing areas of Ethiopia. anthracnose colletotrichum lindemuthianum seedborne epidemics common bean

Mohammed Yesuf; Somsiri Sangchote

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5729 Seed treatment in corn. corn seed treatment

Lugod, Tom R.

serials agriculture magazine

4041 Seedling appearance, survival and flowering of Trifolium pratense in a cutting meadow. Trifolium pratense, legume, demography, natural reseeding, population, red clover, reproduction, grassland,

Seiichi Sakanoue

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

13894 Seedling production: An opportunity for small farmers seedling production; vegetables; Amino Plus Foliar Fertilizer

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

5223 Seedling vigor of rice cultivars in response to seeding depth and soil moisture. deep seeding, dry seeding, pre-germinated seeds, rice, Rc14, Rc16, seeding depth, seedling vigor, soil moisture, surface seeding, wet seeding,

Sigari, T.A.

serials philippine journal of crop science

16647 Seeds of change: Bayers’ ForwardFarm in India brings regenerative agriculture to life direct-seeded rice; rice farming; technology; India

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine

12988 Seedworks' hybrid rice tops derby hybrid rice rice variety TH-82 hybrid rice derby serials agriculture magazine

6248 Seeing gene-modified food as just a part of evolution. food genetically modified foods

Dreifus, Claudia

serials agriculture magazine

15268 Seeking the value of mathematics education: The case of SEA-BES mathematics education; values; attitudes; thinking; skills; curriculum; SEA-BES

Masami Isoda; Teh Kim Hong; Montecillo, Pedro L. Jr.

serials journal of southeast asian education