List of Serials : 8421

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13431 She wanted to prove she could grow grapes grapes; watermelon; drip irrigation

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

13271 Sheep farming partnership: A novel investment scheme sheep farming; partnership

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

3742 Sheep raising guide. feeding guides, disease management, fencing, Coccidiosis, foot and mouth disease, foot rot, ecthyma, skin parasites, caseous lymphadenitis, serials agriculture

3784 Sheep raising guide. breed selection, breeding management, weaning, docking, castration, shearing, nutrition, feeding management, serials agriculture

7271 Sheep: Another possible money maker. sheep small ruminants Dorper sheep

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

8723 Shell lime technology controls giant earthworms. earthworms, Pheretima elongata, Melanoides granifera,

Gonzales, Nancy Ann P.

serials agriculture magazine

5388 Shihwa Lake: From a disaster to a showcase. artificial lake, coastal area, environmental protection, Shihwa Lake, Korea, serials tropical coasts

4846 Shoot and root initiation of Benguet lily (Lilium philippinensis) bulb scales by low temperature stratification and kind of rooting hormone. rooting hormones, shoot formation, low temperature, bulb scales, Hormex, ANAA, Lilium philippinensis,

Alipio, L.M.B.

serials bsu research journal

7436 Shoot Productions and the Damage of Pests and Disease of Pai Ruak (Thyrsostachys siamensis Gamble) After Different Thinning Intensities. thinning, shoot borer, disease,

Surachai Choldumrongkul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5033 Short of seedling? Grow hybrid tomatoes from cuttings. Production technology : Crop husbandry, tomatoes,

Mapa, Segundo

serials agriculture