List of Serials : 8421

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7049 Seed production of ampalaya. Momordica charantia ampalaya seed production planting land preparation fertilizer application irrigation trellising seed processing packaging

PCARRD; Institute of Plant Breeding, UPLB

serials agriculture magazine

7070 Seed production of cucumber. cucumber varieties land preparation planting fertilizer application trellising insect pest management disease management pollination roguing harvesting postharvest handling seed processing packaging cost and return analysis serials agriculture magazine

7115 Seed production of eggplant. eggplant seed production varieties seedbed preparation pricking land preparation transplanting fertilization irrigation weed control insect pest management disease management harvesting postharvest handling packaging storage cost and return analysis serials agriculture magazine

7135 Seed production of okra. okra seed production land preparation planting fertilizer application irrigation weeding insect pest management disease management crop inspection roguing postharvest handling packaging storage cost and return analysis serials agriculture magazine

7092 Seed production of pole sitao. pole sitao production varieties environmental requirements land preparation planting fertilizer application irrigation trellising insect pest management disease management pollination postharvest handling seed processing storage serials agriculture magazine

7183 Seed production of squash. squash seed production planting fertilizer application irrigation weeding insect pest management disease management pollination roguing harvesting postharvest handling seed processing packaging cost and return analaysis serials agriculture magazine

7199 Seed production of upo. bottle gourd land preparation planting fertilizer application irrigation weeding trellising insect pest management disease management postharvest handling serials agriculture magazine

14918 Seed productivity of genebank sorghum accessions in india (Tamil Nadu) and Japan (Tsukuba) core collection; international collaboration; seed multiplication; sorghum genetic resources

Noguchi, Tomotsugu; Subbarayan, Sivakumar; Kiyosawa, Atsushi; Gotoh, Kazumi; Murakami, Yasufumi; Okuizumi, Hisato

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

5806 Seed size doesn't matter. corn seed seed quality

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

7637 Seed storage protein extraction and gel pH gradient for cucumber varietal identification via an ultrathin-layer isoelectric focusing technique. cucumber, seed protein, electrophoresis, isoelectric point,

Damrongwoot Onwimol

serials the kasetsart journal