ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3742 | Sheep raising guide. | feeding guides, disease management, fencing, Coccidiosis, foot and mouth disease, foot rot, ecthyma, skin parasites, caseous lymphadenitis, | serials | agriculture |
3784 | Sheep raising guide. | breed selection, breeding management, weaning, docking, castration, shearing, nutrition, feeding management, | serials | agriculture |
7271 | Sheep: Another possible money maker. | sheep small ruminants Dorper sheep | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8723 | Shell lime technology controls giant earthworms. | earthworms, Pheretima elongata, Melanoides granifera, | Gonzales, Nancy Ann P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5388 | Shihwa Lake: From a disaster to a showcase. | artificial lake, coastal area, environmental protection, Shihwa Lake, Korea, | serials | tropical coasts |
4846 | Shoot and root initiation of Benguet lily (Lilium philippinensis) bulb scales by low temperature stratification and kind of rooting hormone. | rooting hormones, shoot formation, low temperature, bulb scales, Hormex, ANAA, Lilium philippinensis, | Alipio, L.M.B. |
serials | bsu research journal |
7436 | Shoot Productions and the Damage of Pests and Disease of Pai Ruak (Thyrsostachys siamensis Gamble) After Different Thinning Intensities. | thinning, shoot borer, disease, | Surachai Choldumrongkul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
5033 | Short of seedling? Grow hybrid tomatoes from cuttings. | Production technology : Crop husbandry, tomatoes, | Mapa, Segundo |
serials | agriculture |
7400 | Short Stature, Early Maturing and High Yielding Soybean Lines. | soybean, short stature, early maturity, yield, | Arunee Wongpiyasatid |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6577 | Short-term stressor effects of water deprivation prior to the onset of lay on subsequent reproductive performance of ISA brown pullets. | water deprivation sexual maturity ammonium chloride onset of lay egg weight egg production | Nirat Gongruttananun; Ratana Chotesangasa |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |