Quantity :1

Title: Environmentally sound technologies for women in agriculture.

Contents: Selection and breeding of cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep, and swine; Community pasture management; Cattle feeding; Urea-molasses liquid mixture; Urea-molasses-mineral lick; Clean milk production; Livestock diseases; Common maladies in cattle; Protect your cattle from poisoning; Adaptation of livestock; Preservation by fermentation; Zero-energy cool chamber; Bamboo iceless refrigerator; compost making; vermi-composting; Bio-inoculants; Multipurpose trees and shrub; Integrated pest management; Neem for plant protection; Non-chemical methods of weed control; Safe use of pesticides; Hazards of pesticides; First-aid measures for pesticide poisoning; Save your crop from bird damage; Beekeeping; Biogas as a rural energy source; Safe drinking water; Some simple ways to purify drinking water; Use of indigenous plants for cleaning water; Paddy-fish culture; Cattle-fish culture; Duck-fish culture; Pig-fish culture; Horticulture on dykes; Solar drying of fish


technologies women animal husbandry dairying vegetables postharvest organic farming seed production seed storage pests pesticides drudgery reduction water management fish production

Material : purch

Publisher : IIRR / IFWA,

Publication Date : 2000




SEARCA Library


Tags (purch)

ISBN number: 0-942717-69-4


Currently Unavailable