Quantity :1

Title: A transgene-centered evaluation of genetically modified plants: Part 4, Biosafety of ALS-herbicide tolerance-conferring (ALS) genes in plants.

Author : Gilissen, Luud J.W.

In conclusion there are no specific reasons to assume that the expression of an ALS transgene in genetically modified plants, cultured in the absence of ALS herbicides, will lead to any ecological or toxicological problem. When cultured in the presence of ALS herbicides, the ALS containing genetically modified plants and their products can be regarded as safe for consumption.


biosafety agricultural biotechnology herbicides acetohydroxy acid transgenic ALS herbicide genetically modified plants

Material : biotech

Publisher : Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries,

Publication Date : January 1997




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)


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