Quantity :1

Title: Application for field trial of papaya transformed with resistance to papaya ringspot virus disease : Malaysia's draft field trial appication.

Conclusions: The information collated and the assessment of the impacts and risks presented in this application for a field trial of transformed papaya with coat-protein mediated resistance to PRSV suggest that the field trial would not present any significant risks to the environment or to the community. Dispersal of the transformed plants or their genetic material beyond the trial site will be highly unlikely and, in any case, will also be unlikely to have adverse consequences.


papaya ringspot virus transgenic papayas biotechnology risk assessment agrobacterium tumfaciens T-DNA

Material : biotech

Serial Title : ISAAA Briefs No. 11

Publisher : ISAAA,

Publication Date : 1999




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)

ISBN number: 1-892456-14-1


Currently Unavailable