Author : George, Maria Luz C.; Hoisington, David
The Asian Maize Biotechnology Network (AMBIONET) is a collaborative research and training network established in April 1998 that is aimed at building the biotechnology capacity of national maize programs in Asia. the focus of the network is on the application of biotechnology tools to maize improvement and their integration into conventional breeding efforts in collaborative research programs. Co-financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), CIMMYT and the national research systems of partner countries. AMBIONET facilities interactions and advances communications within the network. By promoting the sharing of information, technologies and germplasm, and emphasizing withi-country as well as network-wide research collaborations, progress towards the development of improved maize varieties is stimulated and achieved more quickly.
maize biotechnology conventional breeding mapping resistance genes downy mildew virus diseases Asia genetic diversity
Material : biotech
Publisher : FAO; IAEA,
Publication Date : 1999
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