Quantity :1

Title: Fat facts and fiction : The skinny on dietary fat and lover-fat foods.

Sometimes it seems as though dietary fat is the most important thing in everyone's lives. Newspapers and magazines are filled with articles about the dangers of eating too many high-fat foods. Supermarket shelves overflow with reduced-, low- and non-fat foods, and virtually every person you talk to is trying to trim the fat from his or her diet! Nevertheless, misconceptions about fat - especially about reduced-fat foods and their role in the diet - pop up frequently in conversations and articles on health. Here, with the help of some nutrition and food experts, are the facts with which to combat the "myth-information" about dietary fats and low-fat foods.


fatty acid obesity calories low-fat foods fat replacers fat-free foods

Material : biotech

Serial Title : Reprinted from Food Insight, Sept/Oct 1997

Publisher : IFIC Foundation.



SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)


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