Quantity :1

Title: Intense sweeteners : Effects on appetite and weight management.

Unfortunately, there is no simple formulas or quick solutions to weight loss. But most people can successfully manage their weight by improving their lifelong exercise and eating habits. In general, people lose weight when they burn more calories than they consume. Therefore, a sensible weight control program includes regular physical activity and reduced consumption of foods high in calories. A steady loss of one-half to one pound a week is recommended, rather than crash diets or other extreme approaches that severely limit amounts or types of foods. Intense (low-calorie) sweeteners can play a useful role in helping persons to maintain a healthy weight by providing good-tasting alternatives to foods and beverages typically higher in calories.


weight management calories aspartame obesity

Material : biotech

Serial Title : IFIC Review

Publication Date : November 1995



SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)


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