Quantity :1

Title: Glutamate by any other name is...glutamate: reprinted from Food Insight, Winter 1996.

Glutamate is an amino acid. It is essential for metabolism and brain function and is manufactured by the body. It is found in virtually every protein food we eat. In food, there is "bound" glutamate and "free" glutamate. Glutamate only enhances flavors when it is in its free from and not bound to other amino acids in protein. Some foods have greater quantities of glutamate than others. Foods that are rich in glutamate include tomatoes, mushrooms, parmesan cheese, milk and mackerel. The human body processes glutamate the same way, whether produced by our body, contributed by food, or from a flavor enhancer such as MSG. The flavor- enhancing characteristic of glutamate, as well as its metabolism, is the same, whether using MSG or a glutamate-rich food like parmesan cheese. Glutamate is glutamate, no matter what the source, and it makes good foods taste even better.


glutamate monosodium glutamate : MSG amino acid

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