Quantity :1

Title: Biotechnology research and development in the Philippines.

Author : Cardenas, Danilo C.

Conclusions and Recommendation: From the existing infrastructure facilities with manpower complements in the country, biotechnology research and development would progress as expected. However, R&D alone could not stand on its own for its output to be utilized by the intended users. A need for a national strategy must be in place. A good one is establishing interactions among government, industry, the research community and the public to provide synergy and the elements of sustainability and self-generation. Providing enabling environment is likewise essential but it is important to understand what comprises such environment. It must include regulations relating to biosafety and intellectual property, a host of supporting private institutions such as for supply of bio-reagents, culture collections, testing facilities and demonstration/pilot plants and well aware and educated consumers. To attain such enabling environment concerned government agencies particularly DOST, DA, DENR, DOH, DECS, DTI must put their acts together in harmony. On this premise, DOST-PCARRD is seen as facilitator, building capability and infrastructure, funding basic research, encouraging development investment, fostering global linkages and ensuring a workable regulatory regime. The rest of the agencies should safeguard the appropriate implementation of the regulatory procedures and do their share in promoting the utilization of agricultural biotechnology.


biotechnology biodiversity intellectual property rights transgenic crops agrobacterium Bt corn animal biotechnology biosafety

Material : biotech

Publication Date : November 2003




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)


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