Quantity :1

Title: Cattle fattening project as an extension education approach for development in Batangas City, Philippines.

Author : Werawan Karnjanarungsie

This study aimed to analyze the operationalization of the cattle fattening project implemented in four depressed barangays in Batangas City, the Philippines, namely: Malibayo, Dalig, Conde Itaas, and Pagkilatan. Respondents in this study were the administrator (city coordinator), cattle fattening project staff, barangay council members, and officers and farmer-beneficiaries of the association. Data were gathered using an instructed interview schedule, personal interviews, observation, and documents. Data were analyzed using frequency counts, means, ranges standard deviation, percentages, T-test and Chi-square test. Findings showed that the City Planning and Development Staff (CPDS), through the city coordinator, informed the barangay captains of the four depressed barangays of the Social Action Program (SADP) about its objectivs and funding assistance. Through group meetings, the barangay captains and farmer-beneficiaries became aware of the and became interested in the cattle fattening project and were willing to participate in its implementation. Their acceptance and non-acceptance of the new technology seemed to be influenced by how the knowledge was imparted to them and also by their traditional thinking pattern. For instance, the majority of them still adopted traditional practices in activities related to implementation such as selection and construction of feedlot houses, feeds and feeding, and marketing. Only vaccination for disease prevention was employed.


cattle fattening project extension education Batangas City Philippines

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños,

Publication Date : November 1984



D - ExEd 12

SEARCA Library


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