Quantity :1

Title: Responsivity to training on farm production practices among development program operators in Sultan Kudarat, Philippines.

Author : Damag, Ramon C.

The study aimed to assess the responsivity of Development Program Operators in Sultan Kudarat, the Philippines, and to determine the relationship between certain variables under personal, social, economic, and training factors and respondents' responsivity. It also sought to determine the respondents' pattern of responses and to determine if the knowledge acquired by the respondents were used in their farming operations. A total of 77 Development Program Operators were surveyed. They were jointly selected by the MA technicians and representatives of the training staff of the Mindanao-based Regional Training Centers for Rural Development (RTC-RD) through the recommendation of the local organizations based on recruitment criteria issued by RTC-RD. Data were gathered using interview schedule, examination, and questionnaire. Frequency counts, percentages, mean, median, rankings, standard deviation, T-test, Chi-square test, and Friedman's two-way analysis of variance were used in data analysis. Findings revealed that less than one-fourth (22 percent) of the respondents displayed significant score gains in corn production, while only a few (18 percent) and less than one-half (45 percent) had the same in rice production and swine production, respectively. However, 92 percent had significant score gains in the composite test. More than one-half (51 percent) of the respondents had "low responsivity" score. It was observed that responsivity was higher among training participants with smaller household size (1-6 members). Respondents with government of personal sources of finances had higher responsivity than those who depend on private traders for their source of finances. The variables under course content that had significant relationship with responsivity were balance of theory and practice and suitability to the learners needs. Instructional methods related to respondents' responsivity were discussion, audio-visual aids, and group work. Training facilities that had some influence on responsivity were session hall and light and sound. Respondents' reactions toward the competency of the technical staff and resource persons were also related to their responsivity.


agricultural education farm production development program Sultan Kudarat Philippines

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos,

Publication Date : June 1984



D - AgEd 26

SEARCA Library


Tags (theses)


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