Quantity :1

Title: An assessment of the secondary teaching certificate in agriculture program in Thailand.

Author : Sawrasak Nanan

This study attempted to assess and explore possible areas for improvement of the Secondary Teaching Certificate in Agriculture. Questionaires were used to gather data from 409 respondents, composed of 96 students, 272 graduates, and 41 teacher trainers oof the program. The data were analyzed with the use of analysis of variance (ANOVA), Duncan's D-test for unequal sample sizes, chi-square test for k-independent samples and Spearman rank correlation coefficient. The three groups of respondents perceived the degree of attainment of the educational philosophy and objectives of the STCA program as "good" or "well" in function. The extent of availability, use, and capability of physical and human resources of the program consisting of curriculum, staff qualification, administration, instruction, student teaching, and facilities were perceived by all respondents as "fair" or "moderately" extensive and functioning. The last area in the study, i.e., job opportunity and placement of the STCA program's graduates was also perceived as "moderately" extensive. The study revealed the strong and weak features of the STCA program. The strong features were in the areas of philosophy and objectives, job opportunity and placement, and instruction; while weak or critical features include items from the areas of administration, facilities and staff qualification. The respondents' comments or suggestions for improving the program were as follows: improvement of curriculum by increasing technical agriculture courses, improvement of teaching aids and library facilities, and the improvement of staff qualification through graduate studies, seminars, and training program, etc. The study revealed the urgent need for improvement of the STCA program through upgrading of teachers' competencies, full cooperation from the faculties and appropriate funds.


agricultural education agriculture program Thailand

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños,

Publication Date : November 1980



D - AgEd 23

SEARCA Library


Tags (theses)


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