Quantity :1

Title: Job performance of Tambol agents in Chiangmai, Thailand.

Author : Kittipong Towthirakul

The study aimed to: 1) determine the actual job performance of the Tambol Agents (TAs) based on the job prescription as rated and perceived by the Amphur Agents (AAs) and Contact Farmers (COFs), respectively; 2) identify the factors related to job performance of the TAs; 3) identify the problems encountered by the TAs with regard to area of assignment, program implementation, target clientele, working with co-workers, and input supplies and services. Data were collected using questionnaires among 16 AAs and 37 TAs, and by interviewing 362 COFs. The AAs had an average age of 45.92 years. The majority of them (68.75 percent) obtained three-year vocational schooling while a quarter were university graduates. They had an average of 11 TAs under their supervision. The COFs had an average age of 45.45 years and almost all were married. Most COFs obtained four years of primary schooling, but some were illeterate. They operated farms with an average size of 9.41 rai (1.5 ha). The TAs had a mean average age of 30.67 years. Slightly over two-thirds of them (75.68 percent) were married, and had completed five-year vocational schooling. A great majority (70.27 percent) of them had rural background average of 2.22 times participation in training activities. They had been employed as TAs for an average of 5.17 years and earned 4,686.27 baht monthly with ranged from 3,000 to 5,895 baht. Over one-half of them had less than 100 COFs each under their responsibility. Selecting the COFs was the most frequently performed job while the least was using visual aids during discussions and recommending modern farm practices to the farmers based on rating of the AAs. On the other hand, visiting the farmers was perceived as the most frequently performed job while the least was putting up of demonstration plots by the COFs. Regarding attitude toward extension work, the responmdents felt that the incentives given to them were inadequate. The respondents' negative attitudes toward COFs, supervisors, and areas of assignement.


extension education Tambol agents Chiangmai Thailand

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños,

Publication Date : July 1985



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SEARCA Library


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