Quantity :1

Title: Role performance of Pathalung agricultural colleges as perceived by its administrators, teachers, and student.

Author : Rukkiat Kawchumnong

The study determined the role performance of Pathalung Agricultural College (PAC) as perceived by its administrators, teachers, and students. It employed the survey method and the use of secondary data such as school documents, annual reports, and other written materials in the school. Administrators and teachers were interviewed. A complete enumeration of the administrators (N=15), teachers (N=55), and the students (N=235) was made. The study had a total population of 305. Statistical tools used were frequency distribution, percentage, rankings, measures of Central Tendency, Spearman Rank, T-test, F-test and Schaffe's test. The study revealed that except the physical plant which was perceived to be adequate, all other inputs to PAC operation like administration, teaching learning process, support services, budget, and school-community and school-student organization relationships were perceived by the respondents as fairly adequate. This made PAC's actual role performance lower than the role expectation of the respondents. Generally, role expectation as expressed by all the respondents was higher than the role performance of PAC. The teachers had a higher role expectation than the administrators and the students. However, there were no perceived differences in the actual performance of PAC in terms of its provisions on occupational guidance, opportunity to apply management principles, inculcation of work skills, loyalty and thrift, self employment, College management, and farmer's training in agriculture. Highly significant differences in role expectation and role performance were observed in the responses of the administrators as regards to the inculcation of work consciousness and work ethics. Highly significant differences were also observed in teachers' responses to questions on occupational guidance, opportunities to apply management principles, inculcation of work consciousness, work skills, work ethics, industry and discipline on the part of the students.


Pathalung Agricultural Colleges administrators teachers students Thailand

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos,

Publication Date : August 1989



D - AgEd 32

SEARCA Library


Tags (theses)


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