Quantity :1

Title: An assessment of the Family and School Hillyland Development Project (FSHDP) in Cebu, Philippines

Author : Pasaje, Andrea A.

The study was conducted to determine the socioeconomic effect of the Family and School Hillyland Development Project among hillyland farmers in the province of Cebu. The study aimed to: 1) describe and explain the characteristics of the hillyland farmer and farm-related features; 2) identify and describe the various activities, services, and other forms of assistance undertaken by FSHDP; 3) assess the effect of farm-related variables, farmer-related variables, and program components on respondents level of participation; and 4) determine the changes brought about by FSHDP on farm production income, family income, consumption, health, and nutrition. FSHDP is a joint project of the UPLB-College of Agriculture (CA) and the Department of Agriculture Region VII, which was launched in 1986. A random sample of 78 farmers, who were included in a benchmark survey in 1986, were the respondents in this assessment study in 1990. Data were gathered through an interview schedule constructed for the purpose of this study. To assess the effects of the program, benchmark information and other relevant documents of the projects were availed at the Deans' Office, UPLB-CA. The input-process-output model of evaluation was used in the conceptualization of variables. Program components, farmer-related variables, and farm-related were conceptualized to have significant effect on the output in terms of farm production, family income, health, and nutrition. Participation of respondents in community activities were also expected to have an effect on the output variables. The farm and farmer-related variables were also assessed for their effect on the respondents' level of participation. Regression analysis showed that variables like extension contact, trainings attended, and education had significant effect on the respondents' level of participation. However, age, value of assistance received and tenurial status did not have any significant contribution.


extension education conceptual framework methodology farmers Cebu Philippines

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

Publication Date : September 1991



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