Quantity :1

Title: Operationalization of a participatory project in Eastern Thailand: the case of the planning and farmers participation development project.

Author : Vidhaya Phonyieam

The study attempted to analyze the operationalization of a participatory project in Eastern Thailand to derive some policy implications for the improvement of the planning and farmers' participation development project (PFPDP). The study was conducted in Thailand with 192 extension workers (EWs) and 70 farmers as respondents chosen by simple random sampling. Data were gathered by using questionnaires and interviews schedule. Information was also collected through reports and other documents related to the activities. Descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentages, mean, standard deviation, ranges, and ranking were used to describe the general findings of the study. Findings showed that the majority of the respondents were male and married. The EWs had a mean age of 33.4 years, while the farmers had 44.6 years. The majority of the EWs had a bachelor's degree, while the farmers attained only primary schooling. The implementation of the PFPDP process needed improvement. The four stages of the PFPDP were needed to strengthen and improve its strategies and administration. Moreover, problems of insufficient financial and material support served as constraints in the operationalization of the PFPDP. These constraints made the implementation of the PFPDP inefficient, and only a few farmer groups' plans could be implemented due to lack of financial and material support. The suggestion for improvement of the project centered oon increased budget to support its implementation and the farmers' plan. The respondents were aware of, and highly agreed with, the PFPDP policies, guidelines, objectives, and strategies; they also had positive attitude towards the project. The farmers had high participation in the farmers' and area analyses stage, but low participation in planning and implementation stages. They perceived moderate skill and knowledge as gains from their participation in the implementation of the PFPDP. Planning and monitoring the project appeared to be the least perceived among the areas.


participatory project farmers Thailand

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños,

Publication Date : November 1992



D - ExEd 24

SEARCA Library


Tags (theses)


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