Quantity :1

Title: Physico-chemical and milling properties of six wheat cultivars grown in Northern Thailand

Author : Sethasilp Ammawath

Six wheat cultivars, namely: Sameong 1, Sameong 2, Incee 1, Incee 2, Fang 60 and Phrae 60 were planted at the Agricultural Research and Training Center, Lampang, Thailand in November 1988 and harvested in February 1989. There were no significant differences observed in 1000 kernel weight, and test weight. The ash content of the wheat grains from different cultivars was high. The extraction rate for Sameong 2, Incee 1, and Incee 2 using a Buhler Mill conformed with the standard set for the Dark Northern Spring Wheat. Analyses revealed that the flour possessed an acceptable moisture content. All flours had high protein content and very high ash. For gluten content and sedimentation test, Sameong 1 and Sameong 2 exhibited values comparable to those used in bread flour. Alpha-amylase activity by falling number and amylograph methods showed that all cultivars had low enzyme activity. Farinogram and extensogram analysis demonstrated that the rheology of dough from Sameong 1, Sameong 2, and Incee 1 had low rate of water absorption while Incee 2, Fang 60, and Phrae 60 had high water absorption with low resistance and too high extensibility. Baking test showed that Sameong 1, Sameong 2, and Incee 1 had soft dough, good handling, and fair proofing tolerance. Sensory evaluation data indicated that loaf bread from flour of Incee 1 gave the best total score with no difference from Sameong 2. For whole wheat bread, flour from Sameong 2 produced the highest score. Sensory scores for acceptability showed that all steamed bread from white flour had acceptable texture and taste. The color of the steam bread from Sameong 2, Incee 2, and Phrae 60 were white in color. The whole wheat steamed bread had unacceptable eye appeal and surface characteristics. For noodle test, raw noodle from flour Sameong 1 and Sameong 2 resulted in dark color and rough surface characteristics. The boiled noodle from Incee 2 had the best color scores with no significant differences in chewing properties.


food science milling wheat cultivars Thailand

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños,

Publication Date : October 1989



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SEARCA Library


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