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Title: Intellective and non-intellective correlates of academic achievement of college student at Cagayan State University

Author : Alicay, Calixto B.

This study aimed to find out and identify some intellective and non-intellective factors associated with the academic achievement of college students in Cagayan State University, Philippines. The intellective factors studied were the respondents' scholastic aptitude as indicated by their ratings in the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) and their scholastic abilities as indicated by their average grade in fourth year high school. The non-intellective correlates were the respondents' motivation to achieve, as indicated by their scores in the Asuzano-Mattakotil-de Souza Objective-Projective Test, and sociodemographic factors, namely; age, sex, monthly family income, residential background, father's educational attainment, and mother's educational attainment. A total of 122 students in the colleges of agriculture of the five campuses of Cagayan State University in five municipalities of Cagayan were randomly selected as respondents of the study. Data were collected using prepared questionnaires. Other needed data were taken from the records of the university registrar and unit registrars. The Chi-square test, Cramer's Coefficient C, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation test (r), Spearman Rank-Order Correlation test (r), and the Kendall Coefficient of Concordance (W) were used to find out whether relationships exist between the variables considered in this study. Of the two intellective factors, only the respondents' high school average was found to be significantly related with academic achievement. Among the non-intellective factors, achievement motivation, residential background and the father's educational attainment were found significantly related with academic achievement. The level of achievement motivation was found to be significantly related with NCEE rating (scholastic aptitude), high school average grade (scholastic ability), and grade point average (academic achievement). It was also found out that NCEE rating was significantly related with residential background and achievement.


agricultural education academic achievement college students Cagayan State University

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños,

Publication Date : June 1993



T - AgEd 14

SEARCA Library


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