Quantity :1

Title: Production and nutritive value improvement of forage legumes by rock phosphate fertilization and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculation

Author : Dwi Retno Lukiwati

Results of the greenhouse experiment showed that the dry matter yield, nitrogen (N) and phosphuros (P) uptake of puero were higher than that of centro. However, the percentage of versicular arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) colonization in centro was higher than puero. VAM inoculation was able to increase the dry matter yield and N and P uptake of forage legume. Treatments combination of rock phosphate fertilization and VAM inoculation, increased the dry matter yield and N and P uptake of the forage legume, approximately 12, 9, and 22 times than that without VAM inoculation, respectively. Rock phosphate fertilization increased tha VAM colonization and VAM spore number. However, spore number and the percentage of VAM colonization decreased at rock phosphate fertilization treatment over than 200 kg P2O5/Ha.


animal science nutritive value forage legumes rock phosphate fertilization versicular arbuscular mycorrhiza mycorrhiza inoculation

Material : theses

Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor, IPB,

Publication Date : 1996



D - AnSc 25

SEARCA Library


Tags (theses)


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