Quantity :1

Title: Effects of lime, organic matter and phosphorous on soil acidity, phosphorus

Author : Tran Thanh Vinh

Soil acidity and phosphorus deficiency are major constraints in yellowish-red upland soils of Vietnam and despite such adverse pedological conditions, this kind of soil resource is gaining importance as food production areas due to increasing population. This study was conducted on two acid upland soils, namely, a yellowish-red soil on diorite rock and a yellowish-red soil on acid igneous rock of Thuathien Hue province and Quangtri province, respectively. The objectives of this investigation were as follows: (1) to classify two yellowish-red upland soils of Central Vietnam using the US Taxonomic Classification System; (2) to characterize the phosphorus sorption capacities of two yellowish-red soils of Central Vietnam; (3) to determine the effects of lime and organic matter additions on the pH and different forms of soil acidity of a yellowish-red soil; (4) to compare the effects of lime, phosphorus and organic matter additions on nutrient uptake, growth and dry matter yield of corn on a yellowish-red soil and (5) to assess the level of lime and phosphorus for best possible corn growth and yield on these soils.


soil science lime organic matter phosphorous soil acidity adsorption Zea mays utisols Vietnam

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines at Los Baños,

Publication Date : November 1997



D - SoSc 27

SEARCA Library


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