Quantity :1

Title: Cashew production and marketing practices: the case of Kud "Bumi Mete", growers Gu Sub-Districts, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Author : La Ode Syaefuddin

KUD "Bumi Mete" is one of the multi-purpose cooperatives in Southeast Sulawesi. One weakness of the cooperative is that the executive members and manager have no technical knowledge and skill in performing production and business activities. Furthermore, they are not fulltime in running the cooperative, so no goals and strategies (short and long-term) have been formulated. Therefore, poor management still existed in the cooperative. The cooperative also faces tight competition among the local retailers and wholesalers. However, the cooperative is being managed by educated and experienced people and it still has an opportunity to expand. The liquidity ratios of the cooperative showed that current ratio was 2.09, cash ratio was 12.5 percent and quick ratio was 59.0 percent. Most of the fund was concentrated in sari-sari stores and credit/loan activities. The solvabiity ratios performed: total debt to total capital assets was 45.6 percent and long term debt to equity ratio was 68.6. percent. The profitability ratio showed: net profit of the whole operation was 4.4 percent, net profit margin of the operation was 2.5 percent and net profit margin from interest and other income was 15.9 percent.


agribusiness management cashew cooperatives cashew production marketing organizational structure post harvest handling marketing practices Indonesia

Material : theses

Publisher : Department of Agribusiness Management, UPLB,

Publication Date : May 1999



T - AgMa 12

SEARCA Library


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