Quantity :1

Title: Dissonance among, and responses of Ban Sam Phak Nam Villagers in Phu Pha Man National Park, Northeastern Thailand

Author : Rachanee Maneekul

The study investigated the external pressure that contributed dissonant situation to Ban Sam Phak Nam villagers in Khon Kaen Province Thailand. It generally aimed to determine the effects of external pressures on the village household of Ban Sam Pak Nam. Specially, it tried to: a) identify significant external pressures impinging on the residents of Ban Sam Pak Nam and contributing to their dissonant situation; b) determine the degree of dissonance resulting from these external pressures; c) identify some factors associated with the varying degrees of dissonance among the villagers to the dissonant situation and analyze the association of these response to the degree of dissonance. From 83 households of this village, 70 were randomly selected to constitute the respondents of this study. Data were collected through a combination of interview, field observations, farm visits, group discussions and review of secondary data sources. Descriptive statistics such as mean, frequencies, percentages, and ranges were used to analyze the independent and dependent variables while Spearman's Rank Correlation analyses were done to determine the relationship of degree of dissonance and responses, and socio-demographic characteristics of respondents.


social forestry dissonance theory forest policy forests land uses community organization Thailand

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños,

Publication Date : December 1998



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