Quantity :1

Title: Exploration on manpower patterns of commercial swine and poultry farms in the Philippines

Author : Ulep, Rodolfo E.

The study was conducted to determine the characteristics of swine and poultry workers, the employers’ hiring requirements, the nature of jobs/services, relationship of salary and length of service to workers’ characteristics, and manpower survival/wastage rates.

Included in the study were 50 swine and 50 poultry commercial farms in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Data were collected by interviewing 69 high-level and 290 low-level workers in 5 swine and 10 poultry farms. Manpower survival/wastage rates were determined from 3 swine and 5 poultry farms. Frequency count, percentages, Spearman Rho, Kendal’s coefficient of concordance and ANOVA were employed in data analysis.

Findings revealed that the high-level employees were older than the low-level workers, more of them married, had higher educational attainment, received much higher pay, and more than 50% non-residents of the town of employment.

Most of the farm owners used the mass media in advertising their openings for high-level workers, but job applicants generally learned about vacancies through oral communication. Employers imposed more rigid requirements and gave more credit to educational attainment and special job training in hiring high-level workers, while they gave more importance to male applicants and reference persons in recruiting low-level workers.


agricultural education manpower patterns swine poultry farms Philippines

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

Publication Date : January 1975



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