Quantity :1

Title: The NPK nutrition and moisture relation studies and their effects on quality of Virginia Tobacco

Author : Joedojono Wiroatmodjo

The field experiments were conducted with drip method of irrigation to study the effect of different rates of water application and different fertilization treatments, also their interactions, on the curing quality of Virginia tobacco. The continuous demand of assimilate was satisfied by fertilization and the prevention of flowering resulted in a rapid growth pattern for dry matter production. The CGR, NAR, RGR, and LAR showed that performance increased as water became more available in moist condition and decreased thereafter, as expressed by better growth the deeper root penetration and branchier roots for the crop grown in moist soil.


agronomy NPK moisture Virginia Tobacco

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

Publication Date : March 1976



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