Quantity :1

Title: Work experience in the vocational agriculture program as perceived by school administrations, teachers and students in selected agricultural schools

Author : Delariarte, Daniel D., Jr.

The study sought (1) to determine the desirability of the work experience aspect of the Vo-Ag program; (2) to detrmine the educational implications of the work experience aspect of the Vo- Ag program as perceived by administrators, teachers and students of Agricultural Schools; and (3) to find the extent to which administrators, teachers, and students differ in their opinions with respect to the work experience aspect of the Vo-Ag program in Agricultural schools. Findings revealed that on the average, the government service of the administrators and teachers was 6.26 years while the mean age was 37.63 years old and majority of them were married. Almost one-half of the faculty were currently teaching courses with work experience. All respondent groups considered work experience education as desirable because it enables students to develop a better understanding of the meaning of work. Both respondent groups also agreed that the emphasis in work experience education should be to add to the general education of the students. Both faculty and students seemed to agree further that work experience program should be voluntary rather than required of all students.


agricultural education agricultural schools teachers Vocational agriculture program teachers students Philippines

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

Publication Date : June 1974



T - AgEd 2

SEARCA Library


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