Quantity :1

Title: Effects of soybean milk - skimmilk mixtures on dairy calves in veal production

Author : Wipit Chaisrisongkram

Twelve male, one-week-old calves including four Jerseys and eight Holsteins were used to study the effects of feeding varying ratios of soybean milk to skimmilk (25:75; 50:50, and 75:25) as milk replacers on the growth and performance of dairy calves, their carcass yield and quality of the veal. The calves were raised on individual calf stalls made with wooden slatted floors and elevated 2 feet from a concrete floor and fitted with adjustable calf neck restrainers, feeding and drinking pails. The milk replacer diets were supplemented with vitamin-antibiotioc preparation. The calves were fed with colostrum from birth to 7 days of age. They were fed the milk replacers at the rate of 20% of their body weights, divided into two equal feedings (7 am and 4 pm). The calves were weighed twice a week and body heights at withers were measured at weekly intervals. At the end of 45 days' feeding, all the calves were slaughtered, weighed, and the carcasses, including entrails and skin were chilled for 24 hours. After chilling, the carcasses were separated into selected whole-sale cuts. The loin muscles from the carcasses were roasted in an electric oven at 325 degrees F and an internal meat temperature of 160 degrees F. The roasted meat was served to a panel of ten judges who evaluated the quality of the meat. Results showed that the calves fed whole milk were more efficient in converting milk to meat than calves fed the milk replacers.


animal science soybean milk skimmilk dairy calves veal production

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

Publication Date : July 1971



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