Quantity :1

Title: Faculty mobility in selected state colleges and universities in the Philippines

Author : Tango, Antonio T.

The objectives of the study were : (1) to determine the nature and extent of faculty mobility, (2) to determine the relationship of mobility to selected characteristics of the respondents, (3) to determine the reasons why the faculty members left their teaching jobs, (4) to determine the respondents' problems before and after having their teaching jobs. A questionnaire was used in gathering the needed information. The data collected were analyzed with the use of the turnover formula, * chi-square test, mean and standard deviation, frequency counts, rank orders and percentage. Findings in the study show that mobility was associated with salary, length of teaching service, professional prestige, academic rank, and security of tenure; but not with age, sex, marital status, family size, major field of study, and level of education. Furthermore, it was found that the chief reasons for quitting teaching were inadequate salary, better opportunities in other occupations, and discriminatory administrative practices. Problems met by the respondents in their new jobs were practically the same as those obtaining in their former positions.


agricultural school administration Faculty mobility state colleges universities

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

Publication Date : January 1973



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